M.U.C. is steered by an effective and unitary Board which assumes responsibility for its leadership and control and is collectively responsible for promoting Company’s long-term success by directing and supervising its affairs. The Directors are responsible for ensuring that the Board makes decisions objectively in fulfilling our public and corporate responsibilities.
Board Composition
The Board comprise of a Director and The Founder has been assigned by the Board as Al-Mutlaa United Group CEO after obtaining necessary approvals by regulatory bodies, and therefore is the Executive Director. The changes related to number of Board members of the Company shall be suitably reflected through amendments in the Articles of Association. Each member of the Board shall serve a term of three years, at the end of which the Founder, CEO will form the board again and be permissible to appoint the members whose term has expired.
Board Qualification
The Board members possess suitable qualification and adequate experience, as appropriate for their position and tasks. The members have a clear understanding of their role in relation to governance and have the ability to make objective decisions about the organizational affairs. Each Board member ensure that their other commitments, including outside Board memberships, do not interfere with their duties and responsibilities as a member of the Board.
Board Responsibilities
The Board have overall responsibility for the organization, including approving and overseeing the implementation of the strategic objectives, risk strategy, corporate governance and corporate values. The Board is also be responsible for providing oversight of the Executive Management. The Board manages the Company in a professional manner and as per the laws, instructions, and internal policies. The Board always put in place and practice sound governance standards in a way that helps it to perform its duties efficiently and conveys clearly the Company’s vision and goals.